How to Choose a Nose Shape | Plastic Surgery

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We’re discussing the things to consider when choosing the shape of your desired nose. Many people come into my office with photographs of celebrities, and they tell me that they would like their nose to look like someone else’s nose, and my immediate response to them is, “I cannot give you someone else’s nose, however, if you tell me the things that bother me about your nose, I would be happy to tell you what I can do about them.”

So, a better way to think about this question is, “What bothers you about your nose,” and I can tell you how I can change the shape. The most common concerns that people have about their nose, by far the biggest concern is the bump on the nose. Another very common concern is that people don’t like how big the tip of their nose is. Often, people don’t like the large size or the wide nasal bones. So, if you come up with a list of three things or four things about the shape of your nose, I or your surgeon can tell you what we can do to improve the shape of your nose. However, again, we can’t give you someone else’s nose, but in general we can improve the shape of your nose if there are things that specifically bother you about it.
