Why jasmine plant not flowering

why jasmine plant not flowering. Non Flowering Jasmine, What To Do When Jasmine Flowers Are Not Blooming.Whether you’re growing jasmine indoors or outside in the garden, you may be concerned when you find your jasmine not flowering. After nurturing and caring for the plant, you might wonder why jasmine flowers are not blooming. see more here: https://goo.gl/BVIU4G

Why Jasmine Does Not Bloom

Maybe your indoor jasmine plant looks healthy with lush green foliage. You’ve cared for it meticulously, feeding and watering and still jasmine flowers are not blooming. Perhaps the fertilization is the problem.

Too much nitrogen fertilizer will direct energy to growing foliage and take away from the blooms that are forming. This can also be the issue when most jasmine flowers are not blooming, but a few are peeking through. Try fertilization with a low, or even no-nitrogen plant food. Phosphorus heavy plant food often jolts plants into bloom.

Perhaps all that extra care included moving your potted jasmine into a bigger container. Be patient, jasmine must be root bound to produce blooms. Good air circulation is necessary for good health of this plant. Healthy plants are more likely to bloom than those that are in need. Keep this plant near open windows or near a fan that helps circulate the air.

The non flowering jasmine may be living in the wrong growing conditions. Light and the right temperature are necessary for blooms from the jasmine that is not flowering. Temperatures should fall between the 65-75 F. (18-24 C.) range during the day.

Prune your jasmine plant when blooms are finished. If you can’t prune at this time, make sure the pruning is done by mid-summer. Pruning later can remove the season’s buds that may already be forming. Heavy pruning for this plant is encouraged if done at the right time it will encourage more and bigger blooms.
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