What RED WINE Does To Your Body!

Are you a big fan of red wine? If yes, you would be glad to know that contents of the bottle are great for your health, especially when consumed in moderation.

In other words, over consumption may be hazardous — it could even cause you make some terrible life choices. So, as long as you can take a glass or two every night (in moderation), you’ll get to enjoy these amazing health benefits.

1. Lowers Risk of Heart Diseases
For starters, grapes are rich in many antioxidants, one of which is resveratol. Resveratrol is a very powerful antioxidant that helps get rid of accumulated fats in the arteries.
It’s also good time know that your favorite red elixir contains saponins and flavonoids, both of which protects you from cardiovascular diseases. It’s important to note that these benefits are evident only when drunk in moderation — so don’t you go on a drinking spree! Moderate drinking also raises good cholesterol, and that’s great.

2. Clear the Airways
What could be more annoying than not being able to breathe easy because of a blocked nose? Pretty sure you hate that feeling — we’ve all been there. Well, the good news is, red wine is chock full of vital cold-defeating flavonoids, so be sure to drink a glass or two to fortify your body against that nasty summer cold.
According to a report in American Journal of Epidemiology, people who drank red wine are less susceptible to colds than those who did not. A study from the University of Auckland also confirms this report.

3. Perfect Teeth
Want to have a perfect set of pearly whites? Well, that bottle of red wine is sure to do the trick.
It contains polyphenols — a compound which fights against gum inflammation and prevents gum diseases. Red wine also hardens your enamel which in turn inhibit tooth decay and other gum issues.

4. Healthy, Younger Looking Skin
Red wine is also chock full of antioxidants that can make your skin younger and beautiful. These compounds can slow down the aging process and also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
What’s more? Moderate drinking can ward off type 2 diabetes and keep your bones healthy.

5. Beauty Sleep
It’s also good to point out that red wine can help you sleep better at night, especially when having a hard time shutting those tired eyes.
Red wine contains melatonin; a compound which gives you the chance to get your beauty sleep. Remember, always drink in moderation — a glass or two should knock you out!

6. Prevent Cancer
As I mentioned earlier, red wine contains a compound known as resveratol which prevents heart disease. Well, it actually does more than that — it also inhibits the growth of cancerous cells.
According to researchers at the University of Virginia, the resveratrol you get from sipping on a glass of red wine three times four times a week may be sufficient to eliminate nascent cancer cells.
For the most part, moderate consumption lowers the risk of breast cancer in women and also prevent lung cancer.

7. Longer Life Span
Finally, many scientists believe that red wine can add more years to your life — in other words, it may help you live a longer and happier life.

It’s also good to know that drinking one to three glasses a day has been linked to reduced risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
So there you go — these are the great health benefits of drinking red wine. Remember, don’t go on a drinking spree with hopes of enjoying these benefits — they only come when you drink in moderation.
