Wellness shots your daily dose of wellness ,how to stay fit ,Are health shots good for you
The “wellness shots” are essentially condensed versions of cold-pressed juices or drinking vinegars, and they’re meant to provide a quick, easy burst of lots of important nutrients.
Here are some easy to make wellness shots recipe.
#letsnurtureourminds#howtoloseweight #wellnessshots#immunityboostershots
Detox drinks
1. Detox drinks for PCOS pcod https://youtu.be/6PuQ7vrP8W8
2. How to make alkaline water https://youtu.be/8Xz0i2g9wt4
3. Detox drinks for thyroid https://youtu.be/JBh_rqw2dIM
4. Detox tea and water for thyroid https://youtu.be/7W5tRLo9ptE
5. Meguc Tea for healthy lungshttps://youtu.be/K4bYFPJ-aFE
6. For cough and cold https://youtu.be/uI4E8DdrHvo
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Disclaimer =this video is shared on my personal experience not any alternate to any medical professional