Turn Obsession into Success – Be Obsessed or Be Average by Grant Cardone

In this video, we will be discussing some ideas from Grant Cardone’s book Be Obsessed or Be Average: http://amzn.to/2oIUKC4

Was there ever something in your life that you could just get completely lost in or that you could do for hours on end? Something where you lost all sense of time and that almost felt like being in a weird, trance state?

For you it might have been a video game, a sport, a juicy novel or a Netflix series.

Most of us have experienced something like that at one point or another. And the cause for that is really an obsessive or addictive tendency within us that makes us “lose ourselves” in certain activities.

Now, if you were brought up in and heavily influenced by today’s modern society, you know that the words obsession or addiction have a negative connotation. They are mostly used to describe people misusing medicine, psychopaths or weird stalkers, who get obsessed with a certain person.

The ideal mental process is that you should just be normal and not get too carried away with a certain subject. And as soon as you show a little bit too much of an obsessive quality you are seen as mentally ill. We have to use positive words like dedicated or committed to described someone’s work ethic that might be seemed as obsessed, but still, they could be classified as a work-a-holic. Just like the old saying “everything is good in moderation”.

What Grant Cardone tries to tell you with this book, is that in order to become really successful and to reach your goals you have to disregard what society tells you. You have to give yourself permission to be extremely obsessed, or rather committed. You have to allow yourself to become completely immersed in an area, to reach greatness within it.
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