TITIPO S1 EP11 l Mr. Herb, are you okay?! l Trains for kids l TITIPO TITIPO
Do not miss full episodes of Titipo on YouTube!!
Mr. Herb comes back to Train Village from work, and the little trains greet him as always. But unlike any other day, Mr. Herb looks uncomfortable and doesn’t answer back. The little trains think he’s acting strangely. Then, the little trains each remember something they have done wrong to Mr. Herb and are sad that they may have made him mad. The little trains brainstorm on how they can make Mr. Herb feel better.
Say hi to Tayo’s new friend – Titipo! Titipo is the new train in town and he’s ready to meet his new friends on YouTube this summer!
Who’s ready to watch the fun adventures of Titipo? He might be a little train but he surely knows how take people to destinations.
Come to Tayo’s YouTube channel this summer to meet the newest member of the family. Titipo!
Subscribe Tayo’s YouTube channel to watch new videos everyday! Including TITIPO TITIPO https://www.youtube.com/user/Tayo