The Lucky bamboo Plant

What is mean by the Lucky bamboo. Know more about Lucky bamboo plant here. see more hear:
Lucky Bamboo is a plant that is well-known for bringing good luck and is one of the essential elements of Feng Shui. Lucky Bamboo is very easy to grow and adds to enhance the décor of your home.
The botanical name of Lucky Bamboo is Dracena sanderiana. The Lucky Bamboo is named after a renowned German English gardener Henry Frederick Conrad Sander.
The Lucky Bamboo plant is also known as Curly Bamboo, Chinese Water Bamboo, Friendship Bamboo, Goddess of Mercy Plant and Ribbon plant.

Description of Lucky Bamboo Plant :
The Lucky Bamboo is not a Bamboo plant at all. It belongs to the same family as the Lily plants. It is native to the tropical rain forests of Africa and parts of South East Asia.
The Lucky Bamboo house plant can grow to about 2 to 3 feet in height. It cannot survive under direct sunlight and can grow in soil or water.

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