Remove Internal Fear – Motivational Video

Learn how to remove fear from inside you. Never let the fear of failure and how others will see you stop you from doing something.

Did you know people who check Facebook more than 5 times a day are at a higher risk of depression? This is because we subconsciously compare our lives to others and social media is a great way to only show the best parts of someone’s lives. This means you see the best moments of someone’s lives, while neglecting the hardships they go through, and when you compare yourself to them, you feel under them on a subconscious level, which lowers your confidence and increases your risk of depression.

Where am I going with this? I’m saying you don’t see everyone’s failures. You don’t see the thousands of hours of piano playing Mozart practiced before he composed his first tune at the age of 5. You don’t see the hundreds of shots Lebron missed in practice. You don’t see the millions of keystrokes Bill Gates pushed before programming an early version of Windows.

My point is that you are going to make a lot of failures in any journey in life. Everyone fails at the beginning, it’s how you learn. Some of the largest successes in life come from overcoming a failure. See, everyone learns from mistakes, but there’s no rule that says they have to be your mistakes. Get a head start and find some mentors, read some books, watch some videos. If you get past 20 hours of something new, you’re already ahead of the curve, 90% of your competition has already dropped out because they thought they failed for good. You only fail when you give up. Life isn’t about how many times you get hit, it’s about how far you keep going after you get hit.

Stop comparing your failures to others, and stop thinking of failure as something immediately negative. Treat every failure as a lesson, as a compass pointing you in the right direction, and you’ll quickly become better. Imagine how wise you would be when you’re 80 and you’ve tried more than anyone else. When you’ve put in more hours than anyone else. Put in the work, just like Mozart, Lebron, and Gates did, and only compare yourself to your previous skill level. The key is to find something you’re passionate about, so when the going gets hard, your passion keeps you going. Stop letting fear of failure stop you from doing something. If you talk to anyone over the age of 80, they will tell you they regret the things they didn’t do, not the things they did do. So go do something amazing, even if it scares you.

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