Piles symptoms/causes and home remedies for cure, पाइल्स के कारण और घरेलू उपचार

Piles are collections of tissue and vein that become inflamed and swollen.
The size of piles can vary, and they are found inside or outside the anus.
Here are some home remedies to cure the problem.
Pomegranate peel tea https://youtu.be/6G8W1BVmM7w
Butter milk masala /shikanji masala https://youtu.be/IotvC9zYUfY
For more detox drinks 1. Detox drinks for PCOS pcod https://youtu.be/6PuQ7vrP8W8
2. How to make alkaline water https://youtu.be/8Xz0i2g9wt4
3. Detox drinks for thyroid https://youtu.be/JBh_rqw2dIM
4. Detox tea and water for thyroid https://youtu.be/7W5tRLo9ptE
5. Meguc Tea for healthy lungshttps://youtu.be/K4bYFPJ-aFE
6. For cough and cold https://youtu.be/uI4E8DdrHvo

Do subscribe to my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJGh5mrdAuYEy_r6TgjYIdg
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