Nasal Congestion | Stuffy Nose – Home Remedies for Stuffy Blocked Nose, Nasal Congestion & Sinusitis

Nasal congestion occurs when nasal passages get inflamed and clogged with mucus. This can happen due to several reasons, including cold and sinus. You may experience breathing, sleeping and hearing difficulties, besides the rather discomforting runny nose.

The best way to unclog the nasal passages is by inhalation.

Take a tlbsp or two of carom seeds, or ajwain, and dry roast it for a couple of minutes on slow heat.
Take a clean piece of muslin cloth and put the carom seeds in it.
Tie it up to make a small package, and inhale this frequently.

Coarsely crush a couple of garlic cloves.
Boil these in a cup of water for a few minutes.
Add a generous pinch of turmeric, or haldi powder.
Strain, and drink this concoction every day until the nasal passages clear.
You can have just raw garlic, which is known for being effective in fighting virus and fungus.

In a cup of slightly warm water, add 3 tsp of honey and 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar.
Have this a couple of times daily till the infection clears.

On a small piece of clean cloth, put a few drops of eucalyptus oil, and inhale this several times a day.
Also keep this near your pillow at night.

To help the mucus to flow, drink as much warm water as is possible, as well as fresh orange and sweet lime juice with no sugar.

Take care, your good health is very important.

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