How To Win Rock Paper Scissors and Multiple Choice Strategies

Learn how to always win rock paper scissors and the best multiple choice test strategies. The book “Rock Beats Scissors”, written by William Poundstone, there are many awesome ways to outsmart and outwit the general population. There are a few simple techniques you can use to outguess multiple choice and true false questions. The psychology behind picking the longest answer is that the test maker must produce an answer that has no ambiguity, and therefor must clarify a longer answer. Also, most answers with always, all, none, or never are usually wrong, unless they are either ‘all of the above’ or ‘none of the above’, which are correct 65% of the time.

True False strategy:
1)Go through and pick all known answers
2)When there is a true on both sides, pick false
3)When there is a false on both sides, pick true
4)When both sides are different, pick true

Multiple Choice Strategy:
1) Pick B if you have to guess on 4 options
2) Pick E if you have to guess on 5 options
3) Don’t pick answers with Always, Never, None, or All
4) Pick answers such as “All of the above”

Rock Paper Scissors Strategy:
1) Pick Paper when against a man
2) Pick Scissors when against a woman
3) When you beat them, switch to what hand would beat the hand you played
4) When you lose, stick with your current hand
5) When they play two of the same hands in a row, expect a different hand the next throw and account for it
6) Tell them you’re going to throw something, then ACTUALLY throw it

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