How to Sew: The Invisible Seam Stitch | Hand Sewing Tutorial for Beginners | Ladder/Slip Stitch

The invisible stitch (also known as a slip or ladder stitch) is a very useful hand sewing method to know, as it enables you to sew up open seams from the outside of a sewn item – and yet the stitches can hardly be seen, making this a very neat way of finishing your sewing project.

I demonstrate the technique in this video using thin cotton fabric and regular cotton sewing thread. To join two fabric edges together, those edges must be folded (hemmed), otherwise the method won’t work.

I have also provided a diagram showing how the stitches are made, to make it all a bit clearer.

You’ll find the invisible stitch mostly used to close up the final section of open seam on stuffed toys or cushions.

Thanks for watching!


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