Chicken pox is a condition wherein the virus called varicella – zoster. Since it is a virus, it is very contagious and can spread from one person to another. This is the main reason why some parents try to avoid having their kids get in contact with other kids who have this condition. Sometimes because of this however, people only develop the condition later in life. Sometimes, it is not the chicken pox condition itself that is dreaded by adults but the chicken pox scars that are somewhat hard to remove afterwards.
If in case you have chicken pox late in life or you would like to apply the natural home remedies to other people who are afflicted with chicken pox, here are just some of the things that can be done.
Buy Oats —
There are some people who only make use of oats when they are about to eat or if they would like to have more fiber in their diet but all people including you should know that oats can also be used to help reduce chicken pox scars. Oats can be helpful in making sure that the skin is hydrated and as a result can make the skin heal faster.
Get raw oats and mix it in with warm water.
Let the paste cool down first before applying it on the skin.
Once placed on the skin rub the oats on the chicken pox scars.
After 10 minutes, remove with warm water.
If children won’t stop scratching, try putting a soft cotton sock or mitt over each hand and keep their fingernails trimmed short.
Keep patient cool and wear loose clothing.
Do not leave patient unattended in the bath (or shower) since they are generally weakened from the illness, it takes just a couple minutes to lose consciousness and drown (even in a very shallow tub).
An antihistamine can bring relief, talk to your local pharmacist or doctor for recommendations
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