HOW TO REMOVE BLACKHEADS PERMANENTLY & INSTANTLY | Blackheads Treatment – Natural Beauty Tips

3 home remedies to remove blackheads permanently & instantly with Colgate from face and nose at home. #colgate #blackheadsremoval #skincare

Toothpaste, it is something which is easily available at our home. It is one solution to the problems related with blackheads. We use it to keep our teeth clean and mouth fresh but few people do know that the ingredients present in the toothpaste can also cure and remove blackheads.

Blackheads are dirt and dust particles trapped in the pores of the skin which are exposed to the air. Due the non presence of a layer of skin on them, they turn black in color though they are a kind of pimple too.
Toothpaste is an easy remedy to get rid of blackheads. It contains various chemicals and natural ingredient extracts which heals and removes blackheads effectively. It consists of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, triclosan, menthol, alcohol, mint, salt, clove, etc.

so, check out the video now and do try these simple and easy home remedies to get rid of blackheads easily at home.. — colgate– Baking soda

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