How to regrow carrots

How to regrow carrots. here check the quick tutorial to sprout carrots and tips to germinate carrot. see more hear:

This one surprised me. I had absolutely no clue you could regrow carrots.
How to: Put carrot tops in a dish with a little water. Set the dish in a well lit room or a window sill. You’ll have carrot tops to use in salads.

Here is a very easy way to grow new sprouts on a carrot from an older carrot. This trick is virtually mess free and is very simple to set up. Grow carrots without seeds.

vegetative propagation in carrot.
You’re still going to grow carrots in water, but the level is determined by the tops of the marbles. It’s easier for kids to judge. You can sprout six or seven stumps when sprouting carrot tops this way.

If you don’t have a jar. you can use a small tray.

how to grow carrots in india :

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