How to Make Pear Puree for Babies | Baby Food

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We’re going to talk about making pear puree for your baby now. So, what we have here is about two pears, chopped up into uniform sizes. I think it’s really important when you can to leave the peel on, because about 90 to 95% of the nutritional content lie in the skin and just beneath it. So, you want to make sure that’s intact. We remove the seeds, the core, and then pour it into the blender. We’ll add just a little bit of water.

It’s about a tablespoon. And then we’ll puree it for about 30 seconds. And once it’s pureed, it’s ready for plating. So you can see how incredibly simple it is to make your own pear baby food at home and how quick it was. It took about 30 seconds to prepare everything and have fresh baby food for your baby that is far superior to what’s available on grocery store shelves.
