How to Knit: Half Fisherman’s Rib Stitch | Easy Knitting Tutorial & Pattern for Ribbing

The half Fisherman’s rib stitch creates a chunky ribbed texture with bulky rib on one side and more compact rib on the other. I will walk you slowly through the process in this video.

This stitch is produced from a 2-row repeat pattern, and I have also substituted slip stitches into the pattern at the beginning of each row – to add neater slip stitch edges to the knitting. This is entirely optional though.

First you will need to cast on an odd number of stitches.

For a pattern without slip stitch edges you repeat:

Row 1 (and all odd-numbered rows): k
Row 2 (and all even-numbered rows): *p1, k1b
Repeat from * until last stitch, then p1

(Where k1b = a ‘knit 1 below’ stitch)

And for a pattern with slip stitch edges you repeat:

Row 1 (and all odd-numbered rows): slip a stitch knitwise, k to the end of the row
Row 2 (and all even-numbered rows): slip a stitch purlwise, k1b *p1, k1b
Repeat from * until last stitch, then p1

To bind off, I would finish on a knit row and bind off as normal.

Thanks for watching!
