How to: K2tog tbl & P2tog tbl Decreases | Knit/Purl Two Together Through Back Loop | Knitting Lesson

This simple knitting tutorial teaches you how to knit both the k2tog tbl (knit 2 together through the back loop) and p2tog tbl (purl 2 together through the back loop) decreases.

Both are left-leaning i.e. from the front of your knitting they will appear to lean slightly to the left. They are also both single decreases, which means that they each reduce the number of stitches on your needles by 1 stitch.

You may find these decreases pop up in lace knitting patterns.

The k2tog tbl resembles the ssk, if you are aware of that decrease technique, and the p2tog tbl resembles the ssp

The k2tog tbl is used on knit rows, whilst the p2tog tbl is used on purl rows.

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