how to grow plants from stem cuttings

how to grow plants from stem cuttings. Tutorial for growing plants from stem cuttingssee more here: learn how to grow plants from stem cuttings You can use the end of a tree branch to start a new tree.

Stem Cutting
1. a 6-inch long section from the end of a pencil sized branch by using a sharp knife or pruning shears. Remove the leaves from the bottom 3 inches of the branch sections or stem cutting.
2. Fill a 4 inch diameter plant pot which has drainage holes with potting soil. Moisten the soil thoroughly with water.
3. Dip the cut end of the stem cutting in rooting hormone. Stick the stem cuttings cut end about 2 inches deep in the potting soil in the center of the plant pot.
4. Poke a few ventilation holes in a clear plastic bag. Cover the stem cutting with the plastic bag. Place the cuttings pot in a location that receives filtered sunlight.
5. Check the cutting every few days and add water to its potting soil if that soil begins to dry out. After the cuttings roots develop the plastic bag can be removed from the cutting and the cutting can be repotted.

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