How to grow mulberry tree from cutting

how to grow mulberry tree from cutting (broussonetia). Learn about growing mulberry plant from cuttings. See more here:
The mulberry bushes in our garden seem to hold precedence over all the other plants. Maybe that’s because they are so easy to care for, are useful and fruit so easily. You don’t have to wait ages for the berries to form and ripen for instance. Stick a cutting into the pot today and you will be harvesting berries some two months down the road, although I would advise picking those off as they form and letting the plant grow a little more first.

For those who are still wondering why they should plant mulberries –
1. the mulberry yields fruit within a couple of months of planting
2. it takes up little space and can be potted and maintained at about 1-2 feet high and still bear lots of fruit. Makes a good bonsai-like fruit-yielding specimen.
3. staggered pruning will ensure a constant supply of berries.
4. The more you prune, the more fruit you get. It is a great plant to have.

How to plant mulberry cuttings –
1. Select a few semi ripe cuttings
2. Trim off the top, leaving about 8-10 inches for each cutting. if considerable time has passed between the time of pruning and the time it is planted, cut off about 1 cm of the bottom of the cutting and check
3. Remove all the bigger leaves or halve the leaves.
4. Fill pots with soil
5. Dip ends of cuttings into rooting powder
6. Plant, firm down the soil and water.
7. Place the pot in a shaded place and water once a day. Do not disturb the cuttings or fertilise for at least a few months.
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