How To Get Rid Of Canker Sores On Mouth | Canker Sores Treatment At Home

Canker sores or mouth ulcers home remedies. In this video explaining you about treatment and home remedies to get rid of canker sores naturally.

The mouth ulcer, also known as canker sores (aphthous ulcers) are shallow sores that occur inside the mouth, on the walls on the gums, on the tongue, etc.

The ulcers or sores in the mouth can be extremely painful and the affected person may experience a burning sensation, pain, and discomfort while you trying to consume foods.

There are medications available to treat mouth ulcers. However, it is always best to try natural remedies for canker sores, as they are safe and effective.

Here are 5 canker sores home remedies that you can try:

1. Coconut Milk
Coconut milk is a wonderful home remedy for mouth ulcers. It has a soothing effect and can help in lessening the pain. The pain will subside quickly, allowing you to eat normally.
Gargle with coconut milk for a few minutes and then rinse your mouth with clean water.

2. Honey
Honey is antimicrobial in nature and also possesses wound healing properties. It will quicken the natural healing process of the canker sores and keep it infection-free. It also reduces irritation and swelling. To use, apply honey to the sore four times daily.

3. Tea Bag
Tea is alkaline, so it neutralizes acids. It also contains astringent compounds, which may help relieve the pain. Apply a damp tea bag to the canker sores for five minutes.

4. Salt Water
The water will flush out your mouth and also have a soothing effect on the mouth ulcer. Salt has antiseptic properties and can help to heal the canker sores faster.

Mix the 1 teaspoon salt in the 1/2 glass of lukewarm water and gargle thoroughly with it. Rinse your mouth with plain water to remove the extra saltiness. Do the saltwater gargle a few times during the day.

5. Ice cube
Do not chew on ice cubes or put an entire ice cube in your mouth at once. Use ice chips and let one slowly dissolve to numb the pain and reduce inflammation in your mouth. This is helpful for when you accidentally irritated the ulcer, such as by drinking or eating something acidic.

#CankerSoresTreatment #CankerSoreHomeRemedies #MouthUlcerTreatment

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