How To Gain Wealth – Rich Dad Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki – ANIMATED BOOK REVIEW

Animated Book Review Playlist:


Learn how to gain wealth through this animated book review of “Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That The Poor and Middle Class Do Not”, written by Robert T. Kiyosaki. I focus on two main points, and if you can understand them, you will gain massive wealth through the rest of your life. The first is to understand that you don’t have to sell your time to make more money. You don’t have to sell your life away for profit. Use your brain to find creative ways to gain assets. That brings us to the second major point. The rich buy assets and the poor buy liabilities that they think are assets. You will learn the different between liabilities and assets in the video. I have tried to review Rich Dad Poor Dad to the best of my animation and voice over abilities, and I hope this added massive value to your life.
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