How to Do Bong Sau / Lap Da | Wing Chun

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So now, we’re going to go over a very common and a very classical technique which is Bong Lap Da. Again, depending on what Wing Chun lineage you come from, depending on, you know, what your Sifu’s inclinations are, you may do things a little bit differently. In the WT system, we do it in a very specific way and we have our reasoning behind it.

Bong :ap Da is unfortunately one of those techniques, fortunately or unfortunately, it doesn’t really matter, that’s really meant to work against other Wing Chun fighters. Because there’s very few people on the street, especially when we’re talking about the nature of street attacks, who are going put you in a position where you actually need this. And it doesn’t mean it doesn’t work, it just means you don’t need it for most common applications on the street. This already very kind of Wing Chun versus Wing Chun, hypothetical, alright?

So for example, in a hypothetical situation, you’re standing on the street doing Wing Chun and you happen to find another Wing Chun person who wants to attack you. He gives me something, for example, like fook sau punch or jut sau punch, which is a very standard Wing Chun attack. I’m going to, as always, send my hands forward as he comes in. As he’s gonna bend my arm, his punch comes in, it’s gonna turn me. Alright, that’s the standard bong sau.

Now from here, I can’t quite reach him with a punch. If I was close enough, I would just go in and hit him and this would be the most suitable response. The problem is that sometimes you end up in what we call the middle distance, you’re not quite able to hit your opponent, or I should say long distance. So, what we do instead in this situation, we do something from the chum kiu, we build a bridge. So I’m going to build a bridge over the arm here, place this one here. This is actually called tut sau, this movement here. I bring this one on top and I’m gonna punch here.
Now, if you notice, as he comes towards me, alright, he does this, all of my pressure is going towards him. At no moment am I focused on his hands. You see, some people, when they teach their students how to do this, they do it against a straight punch to the head, which is not already where we would do bong sau, and then they will grapple it and do a backfist or do a fak sau or whatever. This works okay in demonstration. The problem is, on the street, no one holds their arm out there for you to punch them. Alright, your opponents gonna fire a punch and bring it back and if he fires a quick jab, alright, and I try to grab his arm, his arm’s already not there, he’s gonna fire a second punch.

So that’s why we don’t want to chase the hands. We have a saying in Wing Chun, “Jui ying, but jui sao,” which means chase the body; don’t chase the hands. So, when he comes towards me with this attack, everything I’m doing is going here. Alright? So show again one time slow. Bong sau, turn, here punch. And one time with speed, this way. That’s it.
