Homemade Facial Scrubs – DIY – How To Make Your Own Homemade Face Scrubs for All Skin Types

Fresh, radiant and glowing skin is every woman’s craving. But you don’t have to just crave it, follow some simple ways to achieve this.

Whenever we get out, exposure to dust and pollutants in the atmosphere is inevitable. Not only do these harm the skin, but leave it looking dull.

So what can you do to bring the glow to your face? Believe it or not, you just need a few things generally available in your kitchen.

The skin needs to be rid of dead skin cells every few day, which is called exfoliating the skin.

Take 2 tsp of coarse sea salt.
Add 2 tsp of olive oil, preferably extra virgin.
Now add 1 tsp of almond oil.
Mix very well.
With a small ball of cotton, apply this on the face, including the neck, in circular motions.
Wash it off with water after a few minutes.
This not only exfoliates the skin, but the oils moisturize the skin to give it a fresh look.

Instead of salt, you could try using sugar.
In a bowl, add a cup of granulated sugar.
To this add 1/3 cup of extra virgin olive oil.
Now add 10-12 drops of lavender oil, or any other essential oil available.
Mix all the ingredients well.
Use this a couple of times a week, and see the difference it makes to your skin.
This scrub can be stored in a glass bottle, to be used when desired.

So ladies, spend those few extra minutes to see a remarkable difference to your skin.

As always, ensure a healthy diet, and at least 7 hours of sleep.

Stay healthy!

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