Home Remedies for Eye Sty (Stye) – How To Get Rid Of A Eye Stye – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment.


Have you ever had a bump on or under your eyelids which causes a lot of discomfort? This bump is called a stye.

A stye occurs when there is an acute bacterial infection causing a gland of the eyelid to get blocked. A whitish or yellowish spot makes the stye look like a boil or a big pimple. This could happen because of improper removal of eye makeup, use of old and expired cosmetics, or poor eyelid hygiene. It can also be caused by stress, hormonal changes, conjunctivitis and inflammatory diseases of the eyelid.

So what happens when you get a stye? There could be pain, inflammation and redness, a burning or scratchy sensation, swelling of the eyelid, blurred vision, and sometimes sensitivity to light.

Try these simple home remedies to give relief.

In a pan, take about 300 ml of water.
Add two tablespoons of coriander seeds
Bring this mixture to boil, and let it simmer for another 15-20 minutes.
Remove from heat and strain the solution.
When it cools, use it to wash the eyes till the stye clears, up to two times a day.

Gently drain the pus from the eyelid.
Then close the eyes, and place a warm compress on it.
Leave it on for about 10-15 minutes.
Repeat this process four to six times a day

Remember, do not even attempt to squeeze or burst the stye, as this can lead to a far more serious infection.

To prevent styes, be careful to remove eye makeup. Discard all old creams and lotions, as these can lead to infection.
Do not use contact lens, as the infection can then spread from the stye to the cornea.
Use separate towels and other objects of common use as a precautionary measure.

Your eyes are very delicate, handle them with care!
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