Home Remedies for Anemia-Iron Deficiency & Natural Treatments for Overcoming Anemia during Pregnancy

Home Remedies for Anemia – Iron Deficiency and Natural Treatments for Overcoming Anemia during Pregnancy

Low levels of iron in the body, a condition called anemia, can result in chronic tiredness, loss of hair, low energy levels, and a general sense of malaise, which in turn leads to an impaired lifestyle. The main causes of this could be heavy bleeding, rheumatoid arthritis, or any kind of bone marrow problem, besides others.

One of the most effective ways of tackling anemia is the addition of daily spinach into your diet.
Take half a small bunch of spinach leaves and wash them very well.
Boil them in water for a few minutes, or just put them in boiling water for a minute.
Remove from water, and have daily with some salt and butter, or any other way you like.

Black sesame seeds are also every effective in treating anemia.
Take 1 tsp of black sesame seeds and soak them in lukewarm water for a couple of hours.
Grind and strain them.
Mix the pulp in a cup of milk.
Add honey or jiggery to taste.
Drink this daily.

Extract the juice of a fresh apple and beetroot.
Mix half cup apple juice and half cup beetroot juice.
Add honey to taste, 1/2 to 1 tsp.
Drink this a couple of times a day.

Take 10-12 black currants and soak them in water.
Leave overnight.
In the morning, remove the seeds, and have the currants.
Do this daily for at least 3 months.

In 1 tlbsp of honey, add a few drops of lime juice and apple cider vinegar.
Have this daily for a couple of months.

Check out with your doctor to rule out any serious cause for anemia, and otherwise follow the above remedies to stay healthy.

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