Hiccups – Causes, Home Remedies and Treatment – How To Get Rid Of Hiccups

All of you must have experienced hiccups at some time, but do you know why they happen?
A sudden and involuntary contraction of the diaphragm muscle causes hiccups. The sound we hear is because when the muscle contracts, the vocal chord opening shuts to check the inflow of air, leading to the characteristic hiccup sound.

Though hiccups for the most part are quite harmless, they can prove to be extremely irritating.

Here are some simple ways of getting relief from hiccups.
Quickly drink half a glass of water.
Keep a teaspoon of sugar in your mouth, preferably at the back of the mouth, and suck on it gently.

In one cup of curd add a tsp of salt, and mix it well till the salt is completely dissolved. Eat this slowly to stop your hiccups.

Put 6 green cardamoms in 2-1/2 cups of water.
Boil well till the water is reduced to 1 cup.
Cool this, and strain in a fine muslin cloth.
Drink this to stop the hiccups.

Swallowing one teaspoon of honey could also help the hiccups stop.

Take a small piece of ginger, wash and peel, chop into pieces, and suck on these.

Mix together half a teaspoon of mustard seeds, or sarson, with half a teaspoon of ghee, and swallow this mixture.

Eat slowly, avoid aerated drinks and spicy food, de-stress, and live healthy.

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