Health Benefits Put Sliced Onion On Your Feet Overnight

Look, what happens if you put onions sliced bottom feet overnight.
Onions are a very important component in cooking. In addition to providing flavor, onions can also give a delicious aroma to the dish. In addition, from several studies conducted throughout the world, the fact is that onions can also save some diseases.

Onions are rich in sulfur compounds and are known to have antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. For its medicinal properties, it has been used since ancient times to cure many infections.

All that one needs to do is take a sliced onion and place it at the bottom of the feet overnight using socks. Or if you want to make sure that it does not move around while you are asleep, you can be wrapped around using plastic before wearing socks. It is safe to be used in children as well. Here are the health benefits of sliced onion on your foot overnight.

1. Helps Cure a Cold:
If you have been suffering from bad cold then this method will be useful. Take a slice of onion, put it on your feet using socks; keep it overnight. This helps cure a cold instantly.

2. Earache:
If you are suffering from earache then putting a slice of onion at the bottom of your foot overnight helps in providing relief.

3. Helps to Get Rid Of Toxins From The Body:
Placing onion slices on the bottom of the foot helps in absorbing the toxins from the body and aids in taking off the stomach acids and provides relief.

4. Cures Swollen Gland:
When you have swollen glands, make it a point to use this onion therapy. Put a slice of onion on the feet overnight and you will see how it cures the swollen gland.

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