HEALTH BENEFITS OF GARLIC | USES OF GARLIC for Skin & Hair | लेहसुन के फायदे

Here are the HEALTH BENEFITS OF GARLIC! Also, explore more uses of garlic for skin and hair problems. #BenefitsofGarlic

Benefits of Garlic: 0:27
Garlic for Acne, Pimples and Spot Treatment: 2:09
Garlic for Blackheads and Whiteheads Removal: 3:15
Garlic for Anti Ageing and Pore Minimization: 3:56
Garlic for Stretch Marks : 4:33
Garlic for Hair: 5:07
Other Benefits of Garlic: 6:06

Health Benefits of Garlic
Garlic does more than just invigorate palate and ward off vampires; it’s also a smelly super food health aid. The spice is a highly nutritious vegetable with very few calories, containing trace amounts of other nutrients that contribute to its universal status of a powerful, beneficial healer. The natural medicinal ingredient, both as a fresh plant and supplement, can strengthen immune function and boost overall well-being.

This great bulb has a lot of benefits, because no other plant has been held out for so long as a cure for so many human ailments. Due to several health benefits of garlic it has been considered as the “Wonder Drug”. Garlic has been used medicinally for many years for treating bites, tumours, ulcers, snakebite, wounds, headaches, heart diseases, cancer, pimples, measles and many more. It also prevents infections such as the common cold, cough because of its Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal and Anti-viral property.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”Those are famous words from the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, often called the father of Western medicine. He actually used to prescribe garlic health benefits to treat a variety of medical conditions.

Garlic for Acne
Lets see how to use garlic for acne? We all face horrid acne, blemishes, and blackheads during our teens. To reduce it, or for just glowing up the skin, take two pods of raw garlic regularly with warm water early in the morning. Garlic for skin also works as a blood cleanser and clean the system internally. Do not eat chocolates, spicy or oily food during this treatment and rinse the face five times a day with cold water. Drinks lots of water daily to flush off toxic waste from the blood and urinate whenever the bladder is full .Else, apply a cut clove gently on the affected area only if there’s no sensitivity to it. You can also use garlic for pimples.

Garlic for Anti-ageing and Infections
The invigorating properties of garlic protect the skin from the effect of free radicals and slow down the depletion of collagen which leads to loss of elasticity in aging skin. Applied topically, garlic benefits are many and also does wonders to skin infected with fungal infections and provides relief from skin ailments like eczema.

Garlic for Blackheads
Another beauty problem is blackheads. Blackheads usually appear around the nose, and this is very disturbing appearance of blackheads. Use of garlic can be incorporated here as well. To remove blackheads puree garlic, and rub on the skin’s blackheads.

Garlic for Stretchmarks
Stretch marks are very ugly marks that develop on the skin. These marks are generally formed in different parts of the body like shoulders, belly, arms and thighs and sometimes even on certain other parts of the body as well. Stretch marks are mainly formed either due to certain hormonal changes in the body or due to sudden weight gain. There are not many things that can be done to prevent these stretch marks from appearing but varied health benefits of garlic can definitely helps in getting rid of them.

How to use garlic for hair growth
All of us know about the wonders of onion for hair but its brother garlic for hair is no less of a hero for the thinning mane. Well, its surprise time. Rubbing crushed garlic extract on the scalp or massaging with garlic-infused oil is known to prevent and even reverse hair loss.This way you can use garlic for hair growth.

Other Benefits of Garlic
Garlic health benefits are numerous. Consuming garlic on a daily basis (in food or raw) helps to lower cholesterol levels because of the antioxidant properties of Allicin. It is also immensely beneficial to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

For more information on how to reduce cholesterol using garlic, watch this video

Puja Nayak is a health blogger and fitness enthusiast. If you are looking for healthy living tips or easy beauty tricks, check out her blog:

Also read health benefits of garlic for skin & hair –
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