Hair Care – Home Remedies For Split Ends – Get Rid Of Split Ends Without Cutting Them

Split ends can really make the hair look shabby. While there is no one reason why this happens, some common causes are vigorous brushing of the hair, especially while the hair is wet, excessive use of hair colour and heating appliances, and even rubber bands and clips that pull and stretch the hair. Besides, a diet lacking in nutrients is also a contributing factor.

Let’s look at some simple ways by which you can control the damage of split ends.

Depending upon the length of your hair, pick a ripe papaya.
Peel it, cut it into half, and remove all the seeds.
Now put this in a blender.
Remove the pulp into a bowl.
Now mix in a small bowl of well-beaten curd.
Part the hair, and thoroughly massage this in.
Leave it on for half an hour, and wash it off.

For treating split ends and nourishing hair, try this oily treatment.
Depending upon the thickness and length of your hair, mix together equal quantities of olive, mustard and castor oil.
Massage this well into the scalp, and wrap a towel around your head.
Leave this on for at least 1/2 an hour, and wash off the oil with a good shampoo.

Take 100 ml of fresh curd.
Mix in 1 tlbsp of honey.
Apply this to the hair, right up to the split ends.
Leave it on about 1/2 an hour, and rinse off with plain water.

For just the split ends, apply ghee every night and wash off the next morning.

It goes without saying that besides hair applications, you need to pay attention to your diet for ensuring healthy and lustrous hair. Therefore, ensure that your diet includes lots of fresh leafy vegetables, fruit like guava, and some fat in the form of olive oil.

Take care of your tresses, they are your crowning glory!

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