Fasting vs. Eating Less, And How They Work With Weight Loss

Let’s face it; most of us rely on low-calorie diets to lose weight and of course, we can’t blame ourselves for that.

I mean, there’s a good chance that you’ve made a lot of unhealthy food choices that may have contributed to excessive weight gain.
As we know, obesity is a big problem in today’s society; this is precisely why people hardly think twice about going on fad diets.
What’s more, some individuals even go as far as starving themselves to lose weight — this is clearly a drastic measure to get the job done.

What about low-calorie weight loss programs?
Today it’s no longer news that there are lots of meal-plan diet systems that claim to increase your chances of losing weight within weeks.

For the most part, these programs are aimed at those looking to shed a few pounds (between 20 to 30) without much fuss.
It’s good to point out that the foods are usually tasty and healthy but there’s a catch; the portions are incredibly small.
In fact, they’re miserably small up to the point where you’ll eventually give up on the program and start eating like crazy!
In essence, you’ll end up gaining more weight than before, and that not what we’re looking for.

So what’s the point?
Well, it’s pretty simple; low-calorie diets are pretty much like starving yourself — you eat less, feel hungry (even hangry, a combination of hungry and angry), eat more and eventually gain more.

How is Fasting Different?
The very first thing you should know is that fasting is not the same as eating less or starvation.
For the most part, fasting is a safe and natural way of abstaining from food for a specific period of time.

It’s good to point out that fasting offers quite a number of benefits to us — it’s more like the ultimate internal cleansing solution.
Essentially, it helps to get rid of toxins and waste products from your cells and joints. What’s more, fasting makes your skin clean and clear.

It also increases your chances of being resistant to diseases.
And most importantly, fasting gives a boost your metabolism and that’s precisely what you need to keep your weight in check.
Note: At this point, it’s important to point out that neither fasting nor starvation contribute to weight loss.
Essentially, the weight you lose during a fast or starvation is likely to return once you start eating.

But there’s still a big difference between the two:
Fasting is way better than starvation. In essence, with fasting, you have a higher chance of controlling and maintaining your body weight.

Why? Well, it’s only because fasting changes your body’s chemistry and increase your metabolism rate.
On the flip side, starvation damages your metabolism and can even go as far as ruining your weight loss goals.
To sum it up, people who fast eat healthy foods and of course, get all the nutrients from their daily diet.

To them, fasting is actually a way to cleanse their bodies harmful toxins.
On the flip side, eating less or following a low-calorie diet is s more like starvation.

And as mentioned earlier, such diets take a toll on your metabolism and eventually cause it to malfunction.
At the end of the day, your plan of eating less will only cause you to eat more and more!

All in all, eating less or starvation is not and will never be the answer to getting the body of your dreams.
Just stick to eating healthy foods, exercise regularly and if possible, fast intermittently. Stay healthy!

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