Eat These Simple Ingredient Foods to Lose Weight Fast!

When it comes to weight loss, there are tons of tricks, hacks, and guides out there that will tell you what to eat, when to eat it, and how much of it to eat.

In reality, though, there are some very simple rules that you can follow to ensure that you will lose the weight without following a specific diet, guideline, or regimen.

The key, to eat simple ingredient foods while consuming as raw/whole as possible.

This means eliminating processed, packaged, and chemical filled foods with wholesome and fresh foods from the grocery store that have ingredients you can actually pronounce.

When we consume a lot of processed or packaged food, we end up taking in a lot of unneeded ingredients that our bodies just can’t digest properly, which leads to a build-up of toxins and fat.
This is what is causing you to gain weight because you end up overeating because you aren’t getting the nutrients you need from the processed food you are consuming.

Instead, choose to eat simple ingredients by following some of these basic and easy-to-remember tips.

• Always prioritize foods that are fresh. This means going to your local produce market, butcher, or farmer’s market and getting foods that are fresh from the soil or animal.
Choose fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
• Buy low sodium foods. Too much salt consumption is going to make you retain water, which in turn will cause you to become inflamed and bloated.
A lot of your initial weight loss is going to be water weight.
By eliminating excess sodium from your diet, you will get to your weight loss goal quicker.
Choose foods that have less than 150milligrams of sodium per serving.
• Remove the sugary beverages from your diet. When you consume liquid calories, your body does not recognize them as food and so you don’t end up getting nutrition from these drinks.
Instead, you end up feeling hungry despite consuming tea, coffee, and a soda throughout the day.
This adds up up empty calories. Just by cutting these out and choosing water as your consumption ingredient, you will lose weight fast.
• Choose to add ginger, turmeric, black pepper, and even jalapenos to your whole foods.
These spicy spices will increase how slow you eat, allowing your body time to catch up during dinner time.
The slower you eat and the more water you take in during mealtime, the more likely it is that you will consume less.
Plus, spicy foods increase the release of stress hormones which will boost how many calories you burn.
• When you build your meals, see if you can name off every single food and its ingredient list.
If there are any ingredients that you do not recognize, remove it from your diet.
Eating simply and healthily will be your best bet for losing weight quickly at a sustainable rate.
All in all, choose to eat vegetables, fat, proteins and remove ingredients like sugar and starches.
If you want low-carb vegetables, choose to eat lettuce, tomato, and broccoli.
If you want healthy fats, choose to consume butter, olive oil, and avocado oil.
By consuming simple ingredients that you can recognize, you eliminate how much “bad” you put into your body.
This will allow your body to focus on fat-burning instead of toxin reduction.

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