DIY CARROT FACE PACK For Wrinkle Free Skin Anti Aging Mask

MUST WATCH carrot face pack for WRINKLE FREE SKIN.

In our quest for a radiant skin, we often find ourselves looking for options that are either too heavy on our pockets or are in effective on our skin. Natural products promise and deliver the magic we keep looking for, yet we tend to overlook something that is so ordinarily found and has the properties to do wonders for the skin. Potato is the most commonly found vegetable in every household. It works magic in bringing a glow to the skin. The combination of potato, carrot, turmeric and baking soda can help you get rid of wrinkles and blemishes.

Potato makes the skin smooth and carrot is a rich source of vitamin C that helps the firmness of the skin as it helps the skin in collagen production.
Turmeric is good for your skin. It is an excellent exfoliating agent and can help you get rid of signs
Of aging. It helps to minimize scars and inflammation.
Baking soda has properties that nourish and protect the skin. It helps to
Make the skin smooth and .It helps to clear up acne.
Carrots are a great source of Vitamin A and C. It also has anti-oxidants and carotenoids and helps to give an even skin tone and helps prevent helps to hydrate the skin.

Easy steps to make the face pack:

Take a small potato and carrot and blend them to form a smooth paste.
To this, add a pinch of baking soda and turmeric.

Mix the ingredients well and apply this pack on the face for 15 minutes.

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