BAKING SODA ACNE SCRUB – Deep Clean & Exfoliate for Clearer Skin

Acne is something we all deal with at some of our lives. Occasional acne isn’t that problematic but if you frequently suffer from acne and blemishes, it can leave behind nasty scars and dark spots. Acne scars can be tough to get rid off, it’s better to prevent acne on the first place. Here is a recipe for tea tree oil face scrub that can help prevent and treat acne:
#Bakingsodascrub #clearskin #skin


Baking soda – It has minerals and nutrients that help tighten and cleanse the pores. It exfoliates dead skin cells and also dries up blemishes/acne.

Tea tree oil- Tea tree oil has great anti-acne properties. It unclogs pores, cleanses them and prevents or treats any acne and blemish. Tea tree oil sanitizes skin and keeps it free from acne issues.

Argan oil – Argan oil moisturizes skin and prevents drying after exfoliating. It boasts a high composition of essential fatty acids and plant sterols without clogging pores. It helps to reduce redness, eliminate acne-causing bacteria, and rebalance sebum production to prevent future breakouts.

Things you need-

1 Tbsp of baking soda
1 tablespoons pure argan oil
10-15 drops tea tree oil

In a jar, add baking soda and tea tree oil. Add in argan oil and give it a good mix. Use it as a face scrub before bedtime and finish off with a mild cleanser to wash off any oil residue. Use it once or twice a week. — Argan Oil — coconut oil — tea Tree Essential Oil — glass bowl
