8 Secrets the Beauty Industry doesn’t Want You to Know

Are you a big fan of beauty products? Do you love spending your recently cashed paycheck on creams and other beauty products that claim to make you younger and prettier? If yes, you’re not alone!

Research shows that women spend approximately $426 billion on beauty products per year. Moreover, several studies indicate that the average woman spends up to $15,000 on beauty products over the course of her lifetime!

What if you found out that some of these products do nothing and you’ve been tricked into buying them all these years?
Well, in this video, we’re going to we’re going to explore ten secrets the beauty industry doesn’t want you to know, and I’m pretty sure you’re eager to hear about them.

Let’s dive in!

1. Organic is not always Safe
Federal standards typically exist for organic products derived from farm products and not those made from chemicals. In other words, most of the organic products on the market still have certain ingredients that can be harmful to your skin and body.

2. There No Real Difference Between Fancy Brands and their Drugstore Counterparts
There’s no significant difference between those big fancy brands and their drugstore counterparts — the major difference is packaging. Most of the time, beauty companies make use of the same product and just package it in a different way to make it look expensive for fancy department stores or less expensive for drugstores.

3. Only One Product can Slow Down Aging
It’s important to note that most age-defying products such as creams, anti-aging gels, and others cannot reverse signs of aging. There’s only one thing that can protect your skin from it, and that’s sunscreen. In other words, prevention is the surest way to look younger. So, be sure to slather your sunscreen on a regular basis!

4. Your Lipstick May Contain Lead
Now, you might not know this, but your favorite lipstick may contain lead. According to testing conducted by The FDA in 2012, up to 400 shades of popular lipstick contained trace amounts of lead. Now, the amounts of this toxic metal may not be a safety concern, but it’s still in your best interest to avoid any products that contain it.

5. Natural and Plant-based May Not Be Friendly to Your Skin
Some people are likely to react to natural products regardless of how safe they may be. Just be sure to test the product on a small part of your skin before using it on your entire body.

6. Foundation Can Make You Look Older
Quit camouflaging your flaws with foundation — it can make your wrinkles more noticeable and make you look older. Want an illusion of a younger-looking skin? If yes, try to use concealer and spot apply instead.

7. The Word “Fragrance” Can Mean Loads of Chemical
Today, cosmetic companies typically use the word fragrance instead of providing the name of the exact chemical in the product. Still in doubt? Well, a campaign for safe cosmetics discovered up to 14 chemicals in 17 name-brand fragrance products.

8. Eye Cream is a Hype
Most of us believe eye cream is used to get rid of wrinkles, lift the skin and de-puff the eyes — this is great. But the truth of the story is that eye cream is just a heavy moisturizer that’s sold in a small tub for a bigger price.

And that’s it! What do you think about these secrets? Are there any other ones you would like to add to the list? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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