Women never age, because they never like to disclose their age, aspiring to look beautiful and attractive as the years go by.

This has been a perennial trait among women and they would go to many lengths to keep the glow in their face, body, and figure, and are known to spend big bucks on beauty products to maintain themselves.

Here listed are 7 body hacks that that will help you looking lush and beautiful at all times.

#7. For beautiful hair
Every noticed how great your hair feels the next day after the beach?
A very simple concoction of natural sea salt mixed up with a few tablespoons of your favorite mild shampoo once a week would clean your greasy hair, leaving it shiny and healthy for a longer period of time.

#6. Dark circles under the eyes
A very undesirable condition that occurs for many different reasons.
Mix one spoon of coconut oil and one spoon of spent ground coffee with a touch of water, applying under the eyes and leaving it for about 15 minutes and doing so regularly every week would take away those dark circles.

#5. Remove black heads from the face
This is a very irritable condition which could be removed after about 15 minutes when you mix one tablespoon of ordinary wheat flour, one tablespoon of bee’s honey in warm water and applying the mask with a cotton pad on the affected areas.

#4. Dark armpits
Wearing sleeveless blouses would be a thing of the past but it could be remedied and the skin lightened by crushing raw potatoes and leaving the paste under the armpits for about an hour or less every day.

#3.Milk white teeth
One tablespoon of smashed up strawberries mixed well with one tablespoon of baking soda and using it instead of your regular toothpaste twice a month would bring a whitened glow to your teeth.

#2.Firmer breasts
Applying Vaseline petroleum cream every night to your breasts would make it firmer and the skin smoother giving a pleasant look.

#1. Lovely eyebrows and lashes
A mixture of Castor oil, vitamin “E” from capsules you could get at a pharmacy and Aloe Vera juice applied with a light brush on your eyebrows and lashes every night before retiring to bed would darken and strengthen them and bring back that healthy glow.

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