7 Hair Care Myths You Should Stop Believing!

Let’s face it; most of us have been tricked into believing some ridiculous hair care tips right from childhood, and we’ve been living by the rules ever since.

Well, hate to break it to you, but most of those immutable hair care tips are ridiculously incorrect — they’re just myths you need to stop believing.

Let’s take a look some of the most popular hair care myths you should stop believing

1. Your Hair Stops Growing at a certain point
Ever heard about this hair myth? Pretty sure you have. Well, your hair doesn’t have a limit — it can grow as long as you want it to grow. Just be sure to take good care of your hair, get rid of split ends and stick to a healthy diet.

2. Frequent Trimming Makes your Hair Grow Faster
This is ridiculously incorrect — a haircut doesn’t have any effect on growth speed. Why? Well, it’s only because hair grows from roots and not from the ends. The thing is, regular trimming can make your hair look healthier and also get rid of split ends — that’s about it.

It doesn’t accelerate the growth of your locks in any way! If you’re looking to grow your locks, be sure to make use of hair growth masks and hair treatments — these should work fine.

3. Your Locks Gets Used to a Shampoo or Conditioner
Now, this might sound true, but it’s a complete hoax — your hair consists of dead tissue, so it cannot get used to a particular product.
Switching shampoos and conditioners every now and then won’t make your hair cleaner or shinier — just stick to the ones you love!

4. Frequent Combing is Great for Hair Health
Here’s the thing; over combing doesn’t improve hair health — it can even do much harm. So, try to comb your hair only when you need to.
Doing this will distribute a small amount of oil along the hair, and this will help it look shiny. Moreover, your hair won’t get dirty faster!

5. You can Reduce Dandruff by Tying Your Hair Up
Now, tying your hair up won’t get rid of your dandruff, it might hide it a little but won’t make it disappear. For the most part, dandruff occurs as a result of multiple scalp problems, and the surest way to get rid of it is by using anti-dandruff shampoos and hair treatments.
It’s also a great idea to seek your doctor’s advice on how to deal with the condition.

6. Good Hair Care Will Make Your Hair Thicker
Hate to break it to you, but proper hair care doesn’t make your hair thicker — it’s more of a genetic trait. Hair care products can only add more volume to your hair, and that’s about it.

7. Rinsing Your Hair with Cool Water Closes the Cuticle and Makes Hair Smoother
This is one beauty tip we’ve heard time and again; cool water will close your cuticles and make your locks shiny and healthy. Well, this information is entirely false. Why? It’s simply because your hair is made of dead tissue.

So, neither cold water nor hot water can affect the condition of the cuticle. Just so you know, there are products that can actually make your hair smoother and shinier including hair masks, hair oils, and silicone-based conditioners.

And that’s it! We have successfully dispelled some of the most persistent hair care myths — now you can take good care of your beautiful locks and feel great while you’re at it. Stay gorgeous!

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