7 Everyday Things You’re Doing Wrong

What can you say about the “normal” things you do on a day to day basis? Do you think you’ve been doing them right all along? Or have you just been following the crowd?

There’s a good chance that you’ve been doing a whole of things without thinking about how right or wrong they may be — we’ve all been there. However, it’s not a good idea to just stay there — you need to relearn the simple everyday tasks you’ve been doing wrong for years.

The good news is, we’re going to clear things up here and now — let’s dive in!

1. Coughing and Sneezing
Right from when we were kids, we’ve always been told to use our hands to cover our mouth or nose when coughing or sneezing.
Now, this might sound right, but it’s entirely wrong. You would not want to use your hands for that especially if you’re a health-conscious person.

To prevent the spread of germs, be sure to use the crook of your elbow or sleeve when next you cough and sneeze.

2. How You Hold the Steering Wheel
Got a car? Do you think you’ve been using the steering wheel the right way? It’s critical to know exactly how to hold the steering wheel when driving — this knowledge can be a lifesaver in the event of a car accident.

It’s in your best interest to put your hands on the center line when driving. Why? Well, it’s only because this particular position will prevent the airbags from opening up into your hands and arms, thus protecting your head and body.

3. Best Time to Apply an Antiperspirant
Applying your deodorant right after the morning shower won’t cut it. You need to understand that your sweat level is usually at its peak in the morning and that’s precisely why your antiperspirant washes off so easily.

The best time to apply it is when you’re about to hit the sack — at that time, your sweat glands are not fully active, and your skin is drier. Moreover, deodorant is typically last 24 hours, so your pores are sure to stay plugged even after your morning shower.

4. Toilet Seat Position
Want to know the right way to flush after using the loo? Well, it’s important to flush with your toilet seat down to prevent germs from flying all over the place, contaminating the air.

5. Drawers
Tired of clutters and wrinkles? Start rolling up your clothes for a change — things will be a whole lot easier for you.

6. Using Your Keyboard’s Legs
Those little legs at the bottom of the keyboards may be useful when learning to type as they help you see the keys better.

However, it’s in your best interest to quit using them the moment you learn how to touch-type. Failure to do this will only lead to wrists ache, and I’m pretty sure you don’t want that.

7. The Way You Clean a Blender
There’s no point scrubbing your blender with a sponge when you can simply blend the dirt away in seconds. You only need to pour in water, add a few drops of dishwashing liquid and hit the button — it’s as simple as that!

Now it’s your turn! Be sure to see what you’ve been doing wrong and make a change — that’s one of the joys of being human!

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