7 Effective Home Remedies For Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease) That You Should know

A recent study found that close to 75% of the population suffer from gum disease at some point or the other. Several factors like improper oral hygiene, unhealthy eating habits, etc., can cause infection in the gums.

Gum disease is also referred to as periodontal disease. The symptoms of this disease heavily depend on the severity of the infection. People suffering from this disease often complain of swollen gums, bleeding, pain, etc.

But, fortunately, in most cases the disease is treatable. Infact, there are several home remedies that are known to kill the infection-causing bacteria and promote oral health.

So, today at Boldsky, we’ve compiled a list of 7 of the most effective home remedies to get relief from the symptoms of gum disease.

These remedies are used worldwide, as they not only treat gum disease but also prevent your mouth from becoming an ideal environment for bacteria to breed.

Also, in case the symptoms turn from acute to chronic, you must consult your dentist to get the right treatment on time.

Keeping that in mind, watch on to know more about the potent home remedies that can help you fight off the infection.

1. Oil Pulling
This ancient method of swishing oil in the mouth is known to be highly effective in eradicating gum disease. You can either use sunflower or sesame oil for this oral therapy. Other than curing gum disease, this remedy can also help you to get rid of bad breath and other micro-organisms that cause gum disease, in the first place.

2. Turmeric
Turmeric is an enriched source of anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial agents. Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder with water to make a thick paste. Use this paste to brush your mouth, especially the gum area. Do this on a regular basis to be able to have an infection-free mouth.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide
This is, hands down, one of the most effective remedies that can help you fight the bacteria that causes gum disease. Rinsing your mouth with diluted hydrogen peroxide will not only treat periodontal disease but also prevent tooth decay, cavities and discolouring of your teeth. Include this in your oral routine to reap the benefits of this potent remedy.

4. Garlic
We know that the very idea of chewing raw garlic can make anyone cringe. Mainly because garlic has a very distinctive pungent taste that makes it highly unpleasant to be eaten raw. But several studies have found that the anti-bacterial properties of garlic make it one of the most effective remedies that prevent an oral infection from spreading or getting worst.

5. Salt Water
Rinsing your mouth with salt water is great for getting relief from the swelling and discomfort in the gums. Do this at least 3-4 times in a day to reduce the annoying symptoms of gum infection. The anti-bacterial agents present in salt can effectively destroy the bacteria that cause infection and other oral issues.

6. Sage Leaves
Freshly brewed tea of sage leaves might taste a little bitter, but its healing effects will do your gums a great deal of good. Alternatively, you can rub sage leaves onto your gums to get relief from the irritating symptoms. Not only is this remarkable herb effective in treating gum disease but it is also known to prevent it from recurring in the future.

7. Neem
Since centuries, people have used dried neem leaves in various forms to heal gum disease. Infact, you can just chew neem leaves to treat gum disease, prevent tooth decay and maintain overall oral health. Or, you can also mix it with baking soda and water to make a mouthwash and use it regularly to fight off the painful symptoms of gum disease.

Video URL : https://youtu.be/_dh6u4y20-E
