7 Convincing Reasons To Start Running Today!

Running — a perfect sport that promises a healthier body and toned outlook at no cost!
What could be better? You might not know this, but running is one of the best calorie-blasting workouts that can change your life in ways you never thought possible.

The good thing is, you can start running anytime you want and there’s no need to invest in any specialized equipment;
Just a pair of high-quality running shoes will get the ball rolling!
Still not convinced? Well, here are seven more reasons why you’ll want to hit the ground running.

1. For starters, running is an excellent way to relieve stress which may have come as a result of the nervous tension and fatigue of the day.

The good thing is, you can get rid of these toxins when you step out of the house for a good, sweaty run!
What’s more? You’re likely to hook up with other health-conscious folks down the road, and that’s awesome!

2. Speaking of stress relief, your body also releases special hormones when you exercise — they’re known as endorphins.
These hormones are also known as happiness hormones, and as the name implies, they make you happy!

So, as you keep running, the concentration of endorphins in your blood increases up to the point where you experience a slight feeling of euphoria, and at that moment, depression disappears into thin air!

3. Running also gives your heart all the strength it needs to function properly.
Essentially, running increases the number of red blood cells and capillaries in the body thus causing your heart to be stronger and healthier than it was in the past.
It’s also good to point out that a well-trained heart pumps more blood per cycle than an untrained one.

The best part is, oxygen consumption increases with higher blood flow, and that’s great for your body.
The bottom line; running will cause every organ and tissues in your body to receive more oxygenated and nutrient-rich blood — what could be healthier than that?

4. Running also does your health a solid by increasing the levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin in your blood.
That’s not all — it also reduces hunger, lower blood cholesterol, improves digestive function, boosts metabolism and more.

5. Looking to come up with bright, creative ideas? If yes, lace up your sneakers and go for a run!
You might not know this, but your brain is more likely to come up with great ideas and creative solutions while jogging around the neighborhood.

How? Well, it’s only because of the oxygen — oxygenated blood kicks your mental activity up a notch!

6. Regular running supports your musculoskeletal system regardless of whether you’re old or young.

Moreover, running help prevent degenerative joint disease, a problem that’s common among older adults.

So, you might want to tag your pops along when going for a run!

7. Finally, you can run anytime you want — you can choose to go for a morning jog or an evening run; you’re going to feel great either way.

For the most part, a morning jog will calm your overactive hormones and keep your body in tip-top shape.
On the flip side, going for a run after a day at work will help you relax thus making it easier to hit the hay on time.

And that’s it! These are a few reasons why you should lace up your sneakers and hit the road right now. Happy running!

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