5 Ways To Tell if You Have a Health problem

Ever given thought to how you can tell when your body is in dire need of attention? You might not know this but people don’t just get flattened with a heart attack or diagnosed with cancer.
In essence, the body gives off some subtle warning signs before we eventually get thwacked with potentially life-threatening diseases.

So what’s the point?
Well, it’s pretty simple — it’s always in your best interest to listen to your body when it speaks to you.
As you probably guessed, even the slightest ignorance can jeopardize your health and that’ not part of the plan.
The good news? In this video, I’m going to let you in on five ways to know if your health is taking the wrong turn.
And of course, offer a few ideas on how you can get things back on track.

Let’s dive in!

1. Your Urine is Dark Yellow
First off, hydration is key to living a healthy life.
In fact, the simple act of drinking water can keep a plethora of diseases at bay and that’s huge.
But what happens when you’re dehydrated? Well, the most obvious sign is a change in the color of your urine.
In essence, if you see dark yellow when you pee into the toilet, there’s a good chance that you’re not drinking enough fluids.
At this point, it’s in your best interest to start drinking enough water.
And if you ever get tired of the clear fluid, you can spice things up with coconut water, herbal tea or even green juice.

2. You’re Always Tired
Here’s the thing; we can’t just point to a particular reason why you’re always pooped.
In other words, your fatigue could be as a result of several different things you might not even be aware of.
So what are the possible culprits? Well, for starters, your tiredness could be a sign that your thyroid gland isn’t functioning like it’s supposed to.
It could also mean that your adrenal glands are burned out or your stress responses/self-repair mechanisms are always flipped on, trying to fight against a host of life-threatening illnesses.
But that’s not all — you could also be wiped out because your body is exhausted from using up all your resources trying to protect you from the harmful effects of cigarettes, alcohol, processed foods and more.
So yes, the solution is pretty straightforward — take your time to figure out exactly what’s wiping you out and don’t hesitate to visit the doctor if need be.

3. You’re Always Anxious
Do you find yourself experiencing worries that are excessive and uncontrollable?
If yes, you’re not alone. But of course, it’s in your best interest to find a way out before it consumes you.
Essentially, anxiety starts off as a feeling in your mind which eventually translates into the physiology of your body and increase your vulnerability to diseases.
It’s also important to note that anxiety can come as a result of adrenal tumors, sex hormone imbalances, and hyperthyroidism.
Of course, at this point, it’s crucial to figure out exactly what’s triggering your anxiety.
Just relax and be one with yourself. The simple act of being aligned with your true self can be the way out of your many worries.
And finally, be sure to take a trip to the doctor office if you’re still finding it hard to pinpoint the cause of your anxiety — crucial.

4. You’re Always Itchy
Find yourself in this category? If yes, we suggest you stop taking it for granted.
First off, that annoying itch could be as a result of allergies or underlying skin disorders.
But you should also be aware that excessive itchiness could be a sign that you’re suffering from liver disease.
Yes, as you probably guessed, the doctor’s office is sure to be your best bet right now.

5. You’re Getting Shorter
Yes, we know just how weird this sounds — I mean, what could possibly be behind your shrinking?
Well, the thing is, even people with the healthiest of bones can end up losing stature if they fail to take good care of their bones.
It’s also good to point out that osteoporosis may be the cause of your inexplicable shrinking.

In essence, you could end up looking shorter than usual if your bones have started to degenerate as a result of the problem.
The good news? You can still protect your bones regardless.
Just be sure to add enough calcium and vitamin D to your diet.

What’s more, we’ll recommend you try some weight bearing exercises — these should help build and strengthen your bones.
Need some workout ideas? Well, you could start with yoga, hiking, dancing, brisk walking among others.
And that’s it! These are just five ways to tell if you have a health problem.
Of course, there are still many other signs to look out for, but these should do for now.
Remember; it’s never a good idea to wait until you’re hit with a serious illness before making drastic health and lifestyle changes.
Start listening to your body today. Stay healthy!

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