5 Tips From An Ex-FBI Agent on Reading Body Language

Ever given a thought to how much information you can get from body language? You might not know this, but body language can provide you with an incredible amount of information on what other people are thinking — you only need to know what to look for!

In fact, a significant percentage of communication is based on body language, and there’s a good chance that you’ve already picked up on more cues than you’re consciously aware of.

But, how would you feel if you were able to “consciously” read and interpret people’s actions? There’s no doubt that you’re going to love it — who wouldn’t?

The good news is, this post has just about everything you need to know!

Here are five foolproof tips that are sure to give you a leg up with other people.

1. Create a Mental Baseline
The very first thing you need to know is that people have different patterns of behavior and it’s critical to pay attention to them. There are several different quirks people display when talking to them, and the thing is, we may not even notice when they do these things.

For example, they might scratch their head, cross their arms, pout, clear their throat, jiggle their feet frequently or look at the floor while talking.

It’s important to note that these patterns of behavior are not coincidental — there’s always a reason. For the most part, the actions could be mannerism or an indication something deep like anger, deception or nervousness.

The bottom line; always create a mental baseline of people’s normal behavior — that will go a long way in your quest to know what they’re thinking.

2. Pay Attention to Inconsistencies
Now that you’ve created a baseline, it’s time to look for deviations between them. You should also pay attention to inconsistencies in the person’s words and gestures. I’m pretty sure you get the point.

3. Don’t Ignore Cluster of Gestures
For starters, a lone gesture or word may not have any significant meaning. However, it’s in your best interest to keep your eyes peeled when you notice a cluster of behavioral aberrations.
For example, you’re talking to someone, and he keeps scratching his head, clearing his throat and tapping his feet — all at the same time, you should know that there’s certainly more than meets the eye!

4. Take Advantage of Mirror Neurons
Do you know that we are naturally wired to read one another’s body language? This is actually made possible by mirror neurons — built-in monitors in our brain that reflects other people’s state of mind.

For example, when you come in contact with someone that makes you happy, your eyebrows arch, facial muscles relax, head tilts and blood flows to your lips to make them full.

Now, if you find that your partner doesn’t reciprocate this behavior, there’s a good chance that he or she doesn’t feel the same way about you or are not in good terms with you.

5. Notice How they Walk
Got a friend or colleague who shuffles along? If yes, it could be that he or she lacks a flowing motion in their movement. Moreover, those who keep their head down lack self-confidence.

For the most part, if you notice these traits in a friend, you might want to let him or her know how much they’re worth — this will definitely go a long way in making them feel better!

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