5 Signs of Hidden Depression

Hidden depression can be very hard to spot, especially when people can seem fine on the surface.
This video was made last year, but because YouTube is no longer sharing this video, we want to bring back awareness. Hopefully, you can help continue sharing this video to promote awareness. Also, please watch a video we did on THINGS NOT TO SAY TO SOMEONE WHO HAS DEPRESSION: https://youtu.be/ihabkxaGqFs

Disclaimer: Hidden depression is not an actual clinical term, however, we feel it’s still important to raise awareness and shed light on the different experiences of depression.

Also, check out:
HIDING DEPRESSION (high functioning depression) (VERY WELL: episode 5)

Grohol, J. (2018). 6 Secret Signs of Hidden Depression. Psych Central.
Retrieved July 17, 2018.
Herrick, L. (2015, January 8). 11 Habits of People With Concealed
Depression. HuffPost. Retrieved July 17, 2018. psych2go

For a copy of a free psych2go e-magazine, email Imogen@psych2go.net by end of May.
