5 Secrets to Getting Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat Fast!

Let’s face it; belly fat is always easy to gain but incredibly hard to shed — this is a sad but true fact!
For those who might know, fat around your tummy is known as the visceral fat.

Essentially, some amount of this fat is required to provide cushioning to the organs, but excessive amounts can take a big toll on your overall health.

In fact, people with considerable amount of belly fat are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases!
Well, the good news is, there are quite a few things you can do to get rid of the bulging belly — for one, a combination of a good diet and regular exercise is sure to deliver impressive results.
But of course, there’s still more!

In this video, we’re going to explore up to five secrets to losing that stubborn and annoying bulge once and for all.
Let’s jump right in!

1. Quit Foods That Have High Glycemic Index
For starters, it’s not enough to cut down on your carb intake, it’s also in your best interest to check out the Glycemic Index.
For those who might not know, the glycemic index is s value assigned to certain foods based on how quickly or slowly they increase blood sugar levels.
For the most part, there’s a good chance of experiencing a spike in blood sugar levels when you consume high glycemic index foods.
And as you probably guessed, the excessive sugar will be converted to fat and eventually lead to the bulge.
The good news is, you can reverse this effect by eating low glycemic foods including legumes, nuts and starch-free veggies.
To sum it up, be sure to avoid foods like white rice, potatoes, sugary canned juice and white bread.

2. Eat Your Fibers and Whole Grains
The very first thing you should know is that fiber takes a long time to digest — it gives you the feeling of fullness and prevent you from eating high carb foods.
That said, you won’t be wrong to include high fiber foods in your diet including whole grains and leafy vegetables.
It’s also great to eat a lot of brown rice, beans, nuts and dry fruits — these foods will increase your chances of kicking that stubborn belly fat out of your life for good.

3. More and More Protein
Like fiber, protein also takes a long time to digest — this is one of the biggest reasons why you should increase your intake.
It’s also good to know that protein intake boosts metabolism and even increase the levels of appetite-reducing hormones including GLP-1, peptide YY, and cholecystokinin.
But that’s not all — high protein intake also reduce the levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin; it’s just perfect.
Some good sources of protein include poultry, eggs, milk, oats, almonds just to name a few.

4. Don’t Forget Your Fats
You might not know this but fats can help balance your hormones and stimulate the body’s fat burning process.
In essence, not all fats are bad for you — unsaturated fats like olive oil, fish, avocado, and nuts pack a ton of nutrients all of which are excellent for shedding tummy fat.
What’s more, unsaturated fats facilitate the removal of LDL cholesterol from arteries and promote a healthier heart. The key takeaway: fat burns fat — so eat up!

5. Just Sleep
Finally, failure to get enough sleep at night can cause you to find comfort in high-carb foods and that’s not part of the plan.
What’s more insufficient sleep slows down normal metabolic activity and eventually ruin your weight loss goals — the list goes on and on!
That said, it’s in your best interest to get up to eight hours of good quality sleep every day — doing this will not only help you lose weight but it’ll also keep your overall health in tip-top shape.
So there you have it! Five foolproof secrets to losing of stubborn belly fat.

Now, at this point, it’s all up to you to act and of course, work towards getting the flat belly of your dreams. Good luck!

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