5 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking Coffee Everyday

Got an addiction to drinking a cup of Joe every now and then?
Well, chances are you do love sipping or gulping black coffee every morning — it’s basically everyone’s favorite brew!
But hey, do you know that your addiction can actually work wonders and take your health to the next level? Well, it can!
Yes, there are quite a number of strong reasons why you should drink black coffee every day.
And if by any chance you haven’t started drinking, we’ll suggest you do today!

1. It makes you smarter
Yes, there’s a reason why countless professionals love black coffee — it actually makes them smarter than usual.
Any explanation for this? Well, of course, there is. First off, caffeine is a psychoactive stimulant.
So yes, when you drink coffee, the caffeine doesn’t just enter your digestive system, it also travels into your bloodstream and brain.
It’s important to note that when the caffeine reaches your brain, it blocks the inhibitory neurotransmitter Adenosine.
And once this happens, norepinephrine and dopamine levels will increase and begin to cause the neurons in your brain to fire more rapidly. Yes, that’s how coffee makes you smarter!

2. It Makes Your Liver Healthy
Secondly, drinking black coffee can help keep your liver in tip-top shape.
According to research, people who drink up to four cups of coffee a day are less likely to suffer from cirrhosis of the liver.
Yes, they actually have as much as 80% lower rate of the disease.
But that’s not all — it has also been shown that coffee lovers have a much lower chance of developing liver cancer. Amazing right?

3. It Fights Depression and Makes You Happy
Remember when we said caffeine increases dopamine in the brain?
Well, for those who might not be aware, dopamine is a chemical that makes you happy.
So of course, drinking black coffee every day will increase its levels and keep you smiling all day.
In fact, people who drink four or more cups of black coffee a day are less likely to become depressed or suicidal.
So yes, if you happen to know anyone battling depression, you won’t be wrong to treat them to a cup of coffee every now and then.

4. It Boosts Your Metabolism
Trying to figure out how to shed those extra pounds?
Just start drinking black coffee every day! You might not know this but caffeine has the capacity to burn fat.
In fact, it’s an active ingredient in just about every fat or weight loss supplement on the market.
Our little piece of advice: be sure to drink a cup of coffee before workout — you’ll get to be stronger, healthier and happier!

5. It’s Chock Full of Essential Nutrients
Finally, black coffee is packed with antioxidants and a few other important nutrients including potassium, magnesium, manganese and Vitamins B2, B3 and B5. But do you know the best part?
Your body actually absorbs more nutrients from coffee than it does any other healthy sources of antioxidants (say fruits and veggies) out there.

So yes, coffee is incredibly good for your overall health!
So now what? Well, it’s about time to start enjoying your favorite brew!

And oh, try not to ruin its nourishing goodness with excess milk and sugar. Stay healthy!

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