5 Daily Routines You Need to Get Into to Increase Your Happiness

Whether you are looking to upgrade your current routines into healthier ones, looking to add in mini-habits to increase your happiness, or even introduce new habits in to become a more productive human, the key is to incorporate in ones that only take a few minutes a day.

This ensures that you are willing to stick to them and that they will have a positive impact on you because you don’t see them as a chore but as a healthy part of your day.
Here are five routines that you should get into in order to increase your happiness throughout the day.

1. Get Your Butt Out of Bed Early
Those who wake up earlier are more in tune with their body’s natural rhythms.
This increases your happiness levels because you don’t feel rushed in the morning.
Rather than waking up feeling stress and exhausted from going to bed late and getting up even later, you actually have the extra time to get done what you need to in the morning.
This includes making sure you take the time to make a healthy breakfast, making your bed, opening up the blinds and getting some sunshine, having your morning coffee and generally being more productive.
Just by getting up early, you will impact your well-being in a positive way.
If you are a night owl and want to get up early, wake up twenty minutes earlier every day and hit the sunshine as soon as you wake up.
This helps readjust your internal clock until you are able to get up at the time you want every day.

2. Make Your Bed
All adults at some point or another realize that they no longer have to listen to their mother’s whine about their bed not being made and so we get into the habit of not making it.
Reverse this and instead make your bed every morning.
Not only does this help you get into the groove of being productive but it provides you with a sense of pride.
This tiny little habit will increase your happiness because the day will feel more manageable and when you come home, a well-made bed won’t induce stress.

3. Get Rid of the Bad Habits That Interrupt Sleep:
Getting into the habit of turning your phone off an hour before bed and choosing to forego stimulants like coffee late at night will help you solve your sleep problems.
Nothing will wreck your early morning routine like 2-3 hours of sleep because you couldn’t put down the phone.
Another habit that is good to get into on a daily basis is turning off the television in the bedroom or any other type of noise-inducing device.

4. Journal Before Going to Sleep:
Whether you like writing or not, journaling is an insanely healthy habit to get into.
Not only can it help you acknowledge and process the emotions of the day but it can help you prepare for the next day.
The great thing about journaling is that you can do it in whatever fashion you would like.
You could create a task journal, a dream journal, a reflection journal, or all of the above.

5. Choose Exercise:
This is one of the major ones that will have a massive impact on your daily happiness.
Get up and move throughout the day. This could be anything from doing a weightlifting workout in the morning before work, going out for a walk on your lunch break, or hitting the gym for an hour before you head home.
Choosing to exercise will lift your spirits, make you more productive, and increase your happiness levels.
Plus, it has a ton of physical benefits too!
Other than the above, choose to indulge yourself at least once a day.

Now, that’s not to say go out and kill your nutritional intake by consuming a cheesecake or an entire bottle of wine, but instead to indulge your senses and interests.

At the beginning or at the end of your day, head to the nearest coffee shop you’ve been wanting to try, or schedule a night out with friends, or set aside time to read that newest book release.
Make sure you are setting aside time for yourself every day to indulge in the things you love.

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