30 Day Ab & Squat Challenge (Lose Belly Fat, Tone Legs and Lower Body)

Welcome to the 30 Day Challenge to lose your belly fat and tone your legs, butt and lower body in general!

In just 15 minutes a day you will be doing simple body-weight exercises that work both your abdominal muscles (such as Russian Twists and Knee Tuck Crunches) but also your lower body area (exercises such as Squat & Kick and Side Deep Squats).

As a result, you will burn calories and lose fat from your body – which in turn will help you get a flat stomach and good-looking physique!

Remember that this is a 30-day challenge and you must exercise every day if you want to see good results!

Share this video with someone that needs to get in shape! Be sure to also subscribe to the channel if you want to receive new video workouts everyday Monday to Friday!

Good luck and let’s begin the challenge! Leave me a comment below and tell me what is your current progress!💪❤️
