Are you looking for some financial freedom, in making more money so you have have the time to do what you enjoy? In this video I will explain the 3 best money making life advice as simply as possible. I’ve read tons of self-development and personal growth books, specifically ones that cater to financial ideas, and I’ve tested them (in my life and on my channel) and I’m sharing with you the top 3 that work the bets at skyrocketing your bank account.
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1)Make money work for you
2)Do things that maximize value: Freedom and Happiness included
3)Invest in yourself
1)This idea doesn’t just go for entrepreneurs and investors, it goes to work for everyone. The idea is most people go to work for 8 hours a day and sell themselves for an average of $10 an hour before taxes. To earn more money, they have to work more hours, selling a larger percentage of their life to their employers, usually all in turn for a larger tax cut in the end anyways. The solution of this cycle is to Make your money work for you too. When you’re not at work earning $10 for every hour you sell of your life, you can work on creating a video that earns you $10 per month. Think about it, if it takes you 8 hours to make a video that earns $10 a month, that calculates down to a dollar an hour of your life earning $1.25. Now, at first this seems like scrubbing pennies, but over the course of a year, your video will have earned $120 while you have no maintenance work and just sit back drinking lemonade or working on more videos. This $120 a year for an 8 hour video just calculated to $15 an hour of your life. See, the idea is to make money work for you, because if you do it creatively like making entertaining videos or writing informative articles or researching valuable stocks to invest in, you’ll have an unlimited earning potential in the long run. Who knows, one video could earn you $1000, that stock could ten fold, and that article could give an interview to a higher paying and more enjoyable job. The takeaway from tip 1 – Use your money to invest in things that don’t require much upkeep but have an unlimited earning potential.
2)The Second most important money making principle is to do what provides you with the highest value. From my standpoint, creating these videos offers me immense freedom, enjoyment, and monetary wealth. What’s the point of earning a ton of money if you don’t actually enjoy earning it? The secret is to find an activity you enjoy doing, but also earns you the highest pay per hour of your time. I love to ride my motorcycle, and cuddle my girlfriend, but it doesn’t offer me any monetary wealth, so I have to spend a large portion of my time doing something that earns me money. In turn, the money I earn gives me the freedom to work my own hours and have all the time in the world to do both those things. The Takeaway from Tip 2 – Do what maximizes the value provided in your life in the long run, including happiness. You should have your cake and eat it too.
The last principle is to invest in yourself. For you to earn money, you have to offer value, it’s how all reciprocal altruistic relationships work. You give and you get. How do you get more? You give more. How do you give more? You invest in yourself. My favorite way to do this is to read books, they give you valuable ideas you can use as leverage for potential business deals. Another great way to increase your leverage is to improve your communication and social skills. I can promise you increasing your personal value will have the highest returns on any investment you’ll ever make in life. Living an extra 20 years because of good health decision is a prime example. It’s never too late to start.
Passive Income Tutorial:
So, to recap:
Use your money to invest in things that don’t require much upkeep but have an unlimited earning potential
Do what provides you the maximum value, including freedom and happiness.
Investing in yourself is highest ROI product out there.
What I make my videos with:
Animation, Design, and assorted assets by Joey Nasser:
Handshake by Artem Kovyazin from the Noun Project
Glove by Effach from the Noun Project
Motorcycle by Hea Poh Lin from the Noun Project
Heart by Vicons Design from the Noun Project
Cake by Mark McCormick from the Noun Project
Book by Iconic from the Noun Project
United States Flag by Artem Kovyazin from the Noun Project
Weight Lifting by Felix Brönnimann from the Noun Project
thumbs up by Oksana Latysheva from the Noun Project
Assorted Human Icons by
Font Comfortaa by Johan Aakerlund
Check out MY Passive Income Ebook: