16 Things That Men Always Notice About Women

What details men pay attention to when they see women? Ladies, guys aren’t looking for unrealistic “perfection” you see in movies, magazines, and commercials. There are just only a couple of small things and we’re gonna tell you what they are.

Perfume 0:52
Nail polish 1:23
Eyebrows 2:08
Eyelashes 2:46
Makeup 3:24
Minor breakouts 4:09
Legs that aren’t perfectly smooth 5:09
Dirty shoes 5:51
Wrinkled clothes 6:26
Worn out clothes 6:55
Stretch marks 7:28
A little belly 7:54
Hair that wasn’t washed TODAY 8:26
Beautiful lingerie 9:03
Swearing 9:37
Smoking 10:17

#menlike #whatguyswant

1) Pop Star by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/

2)Carefree Melody by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://www.twinmusicom.org/song/302/carefree-melody
Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org

– Surveys agree: guys really do pay attention to how a woman smells. Just don’t go too crazy with your favorite scents. Too much of a good thing can be a little too pungent!
– There’s one thing most men agree on: extremely long nails or super bright polish aren’t that attractive. Most of us prefer nails painted in a nude color or the simple but elegant French manicure.
– Beautifully-done eyebrows can frame a face nicely and bring out your eyes. But from our point of view, there’s no need to stress out about them.
– Half of us think that false eyelashes or extensions are outstanding and make a woman look more feminine and sweet. Yet, according to surveys, the other half say that they look too obvious and unnatural, which is a complete turn-off.
– Surveys show that guys who say they prefer no makeup at all are actually drawn to the so-called “no makeup” makeup look: real eyelashes with carefully and minimally applied mascara, natural eyebrows, a hint of blush, and soft-colored lips.
– Some men (and, let’s be honest, women too!), automatically associate serious skin issues with poor hygiene.
– For most of us, it doesn’t really matter whether or not they’re smooth visually or to the touch. So if you’re not a big fan of shaving your legs frequently or your leg hair grows faster than bamboo, don’t stress about it!
– Dirty shoes don’t evoke any strong feelings of irritation among men. So if it’s not something completely out of the ordinary, we won’t pay attention to it.
– Just like with dirty shoes, we usually don’t focus our attention on whether or not you ironed your clothes today. But that doesn’t mean your crush won’t notice it if it happens regularly!
– A lot of guys admit that they’ve never even thought of it before and that it’s not necessarily something they notice. Others, however, say that they interpret wearing old clothes as a sign that a woman doesn’t really care about how she looks.
– If stretch marks are something to be ashamed of according to society’s rulebook on “how to be perfect,” then we guys sure aren’t aware of it. Some men out there don’t even have a clue as to what stretch marks are because they don’t even notice them!
– Of course, a lot of men do appreciate a woman that takes care of her figure, but a perfectly flat stomach isn’t that big of a deal for us. All body shapes and sizes are beautiful as long as you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin!
– If you took a shower the day before but your hair still looks fresh and clean, then there’s no problem. But, of course, if it appears really greasy and obviously overdue for a wash, then we’ll definitely notice this (just like the rest of the human population).
– Not too many guys would be appalled by beautiful lingerie! But that doesn’t mean you need to go out and buy the most expensive little Victoria’s secret number you can find; it just needs to look nice.
– When it comes to swearing, every man has his own opinion. Some guys feel that cussing doesn’t really suit women.
– Smoking, like cursing, is another bad habit for both men and women. So it may come as no surprise that almost 80% of guys confess that they don’t like it when a woman smokes.

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