14 Ways To Tell If Someone is Suicidal

Suicide is a very sad but very real situation for many people around the world. Here is a list of potential signs to look for if you think someone you know may be considering suicide. How to tell if someone or a friend or family member is suicidal is another way of saving a life.

**Do note that one of these signs alone does not mean someone is suicidal. Usually, it’s a combination of these signs.**

If you are feeling depressed or contemplating suicide please remember that you are not alone.

If you’re looking for affordable and convenient therapy to deal with stress, anxiety, or depression, please check out our sponsor BetterHelp:


Suicide Hotlines:
America: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Canada: 1-866-531-2600
Australia: 13 11 14
United Kingdom: +44 (0) 8457 90 90 90
Beijing: 0800-810-1117
Hong Kong: +852 28 960 000
Japan/Tokyo: 81 (0) 3 5286 9090
Brazil: 55 11 31514109 or (91) 3223-0074
Mexico: 9453777
Germany: 0800 111 0 111
Russia: (495) 625 3101
India: 91-22-27546669
Iran: 1480
South Africa: 0800 12 13 14

This is only a short list of a few countries, however there is always somebody to reach out to.

Also we are aware number 10 is repeated twice, it was too late to change it once the issue was realized. Apologies.

Article: http://www.psych2go.net/signs-of-suicide/

Script Writer 1: Elliot F.

Voice Over & Post scripting: https://www.youtube.com/user/DesigningDonna

Animation by: Emma Schrederis https://vimeo.com/e94

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